Why Are There Two Editions of 'Turn to the Lord'?

The “blue book” is a two part volume, intended for leaders.

The “green book” is a one part volume, which is intended for anyone.

This is the book for leaders. It is a two-part edition.

In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, there was only a one edition of Turn to the Lord. That edition was blue, as it still is today. It contained two parts: the first part presents the genius of the Catholic whole, and the second part helps leaders to form others in faith.

As we neared publication, though, we (meaning: my editors and I) recognized that part one would be incredible useful to a larger audience. That’s because part one is the kind of immersion in the beauty of the Catholic faith that is good for all disciples. And so, on the last day of creation, the green book came to be.

If you are a pastor, DRE, catechist, or a parent or mentor who is taking a leading role in a Catholic Formation Group (preparing others to complete the Sacraments of Initiation), then you will want the blue book: Turn to the Lord: Forming Disciples for Lifelong Conversion.

This is the book for anyone. It is a one-part edition.

Those who use the blue book, should then provide each family of those participating in a Catholic Formation Group with at least one copy of the green book: Turn to the Lord: An Invitation to Lifelong Conversion. This one part book is invaluable to to parents of all students involved in the group as it enables them to contemplate the same things that their children are contemplating, but in a way appropriate to them. The same is true of sponsors for confirmation candidates, and of spouses, family members, and godparents of RCIA candidates. The one part book is also well suited for stand-alone adult or young adult faith sharing groups, as well as for anyone who desires to learn more about and pray more deeply into their Catholic faith.

In the Catholic Formation Group I am leading at my parish, there are 11 families participating this year. I have two copies of the blue book: one that I use to help me lead the group, and one I have in reserve to loan out to others who take leading roles throughout the year. Our parish also purchased a copy of the green book for each of the families in my group, in addition to buying a copy of the green book for each of the families of the middle school students in our parish school.

Want to learn about this way of formation? Interested in starting this in your parish or diocese?

Join me for an Info Meeting on March 3, 7:00pm EST.

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Return to the general overview of Turn to the Lord’s approach to formation: “A Better Way to Form People for the Sacraments.”

Continue reading here to learn about Part Two of Turn to the Lord: “Reflection and Practice.”

Read about Part One of Turn to the Lord: Power and Wisdom.

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