
Saints Should Disturb Us

Saints Should Disturb Us

I read something about St. Catherine of Siena last night that has completely torn apart my existence and forced a sharp examine of conscience. Why? Because the saints--when we really, really dare to see them--are not there first of all to comfort us. They should first disturb us. They work in Christ, who wounds us in order to heal us.

The Questions of Jesus: "What are you discussing as you walk along?"

The Questions of Jesus: "What are you discussing as you walk along?"

The irony is remarkable as they tell their story to the only person who has absolutely no need of an account of the things that have taken place. But Jesus asks, and he listens.

The Questions of Jesus: "Why do you call me good?"

The Questions of Jesus: "Why do you call me good?"

The rich man asked an important question and he asks it of the right person. He is looking for the life that is not fleeting and he asks the increasingly famous teacher for help in finding it. But how far is he willing to go to receive what he seeks?