10-Part Series on the 10 Commandments

With Our Sunday Visitor, I am running a ten-part series on the 10 Commandments. Of course, it would make sense to dedicate one installment to each commandment, but since I wanted to offer an introductory article, too, I am putting the ninth and tenth commandments together into one at the end (just FYI).

The series began in December 2019 and will conclude in or around October 2020.

Here’s how the whole series begins:

We live in an age where freedom is presented to us as permission to figure out for ourselves what is good and what it means to be human. Our primary responsibility, it seems, is to choose for ourselves: to craft our own identities, to create our ideal social order, to do whatever is necessary to fulfill the maxim that “you do you.”

The Christian life, however, is all about freedom and not at all about arbitrary choice. The freedom of the Christian life is in receiving and responding to the order God gives, and to live wholly and bountifully within that order.

To find and follow along with this series, please visit https://www.osvnews.com/tag/ten-commandments-series/.