Awaiting God (On the Trinity and Christian Salvation)

I taught a master's level course this summer on "The Trinity and Christian Salvation." It was a lot of work, but I also learned a lot and my students were just terrific. On the last day of class, I wrote this poem, which, in a way, is my own reflection on the central doctrine of the Christian faith. The sources of inspiration include at least the following: Irenaeus, Alexander of Alexandria, Athanasius, Gregory of Nanzianzus, Basil the Great, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, Hildegard of Bingen, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Dante, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, Mozart, Andrei Rublev, El Greco, Elizabeth of the Trinity, Thérèse of Lisieux, Salvador Dalí, Karl Rahner, Hans Urs von Balthasar, Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI), Arvo Pärt, Jean Corbon, Sarah Coakley, Francesca Murphy, Khaled Anatolios, and Jeremy Begbie. To read this aright, you must allow the separate lines to blend together and overlap. It is entitled, "Awaiting God":


Awaiting God


Your Word
Gives rise to
The symphony
Of Creation’s Life
Where ev’ry beyond is
Beyond the limits of sound
Reaching to the place of solace
That holds each “here” with each “there” as one
In one who is, who was, who is to come
As the unbroken gift broken open once
For all to become one in him and thee now three
Beheld and beholding in tune of will and being
What reason does not know except as source and summit too
Bright for parceling, too dark for plumbing to the utter depths
That remain the province of that intimacy encircling
One begetting and begotten majesty hastening to give
To what-is-not all-that-is in sempiternal glory
Above the descent of humility exceeding
Those measures by which every measuring proceeds
Within that creation that once was-not but
Then forgot that its own light it borrows
From the one above who’s gone below
To rekindle deadened embers
Of what was lost without end–
Less alive then than now
That Spirit quickens
In the dark where
I will wait
For You


(If you're interested in looking at the syllabus for the course, here it is)