Resources Relating to Prayer
From litanies to devotions, from the liturgy to home
The prayer resources named throughout Turn to the Lord are listed next to the first level bullets below (with corresponding page number in Turn to the Lord), with some additional resources provided on the second level bullets for your own further interest.
The Angelus Prayer as full page or half page handout (p. 160). Recommendation: print on card stock or even laminate.
El Ángelus painting by Jean-François Millet: perhaps the most famous work of art focusing on this prayer.
A brief essay by Leonard DeLorenzo on the Angelus and the genius of leading young people to meditate on the Incarnation.
Praying the Angelus book by Jared Dees, which provides an historical and spiritual introduction, as well as practical guidance.
The Litany of St. Stephen (p.167)
The Litany of Humility (p.171)
Prayer for the Intercession of St. Paul (p.176)
“Prayer Begins in Pointlessness and Stupidity,” an essay on prayer by Cistercian monk Edmund Waldstein
Three letters (1, 2, 3) written to young Catholics on “How to Pray", by Leonard DeLorenzo
Prayer of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla (p. 186)
Prayer of Saint John Vianney (p. 191)
Prayer of Saint Catherine of Siena (p. 196)
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi (p. 200)
Brief video lecture on Francis’s “Peace Prayer”, by Sr. Ann Astell, Professor of Theology at Notre Dame
“Maranatha” prayer for Advent, available as PDF and Word doc (p. 204)
Prayer to the Holy Spirt (p. 236) and Prayer for Jesus to Give His Spirit (p. 241), as PDF and Word doc
Description of Gifts and Daily Prayers (follow up exercise for chapter 17)
“Be Thou My Vision” prayer, full page and half page (p. 253)
Recording and video of “Be Thou My Vision”
Hail, Holy Queen, full page and half-page (p. 266)
Hail, Holy Queen, sung by Danielle Rose
Salve Regina, chant in video with notes
For closing prayer: The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus, John 17:20–26 (p. 272)
Closing Prayer: Claimed by Christ (p. 278)
If you develop your own resources that you would like to share, I would love to see them. Please also let me know if something is missing or otherwise in error. Please email me directly.
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If you haven’t already done so, would you mind providing me with your contact info so I can periodically reach out to you about new ideas and developments, and send you other useful resources from time to time? And if you have ideas, questions, or even corrections, please email me directly. I’d really like to work together, and maybe help build a community of leaders who can support each other. Thanks again!